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Ki Yong and Carolyn Wedding preview

Tuesday, June 16, 2009

What a privilege it was to photograph the wedding of Ki Yong Kim and Carolyn Wallace! Ki Yong is such an amazing man, a leader, and a friend. Carolyn made a stunning bride, and is a wonderful woman for Ki Yong. To be able to share in this day with them is something I will never forget.

I have a lot of work to do in organizing and editing their photos, but I wanted to share just a few quick images that stood out to me. Enjoy, and check back later in the week for a more detailed look at the images from Ki Yong and Carolyn's wedding. Ki Yong and Carolyn, thank you so much again for being such a pleasure to work with and being such good friends!

The bride, looking quite beautiful with her colorful flowers, and the groom, as happy as can be for this day to finally come

Sharing a laugh during the ceremony

Dressed up for the Paebaek ceremony!

Taking off after the reception with friends and family seeing them off.

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Kristin and Mikey on drugstore.com

Wednesday, June 3, 2009

Remember Kristin and Mikey from an earlier post about headshots? Well, we also teamed up and did some stock photography, and I just got word from Kristin that one of the pictures is being used by drugstore.com. I love getting these notices!
Here's the original:

In use:

Thanks again for sharing, Kristin!

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© 2009 Adam Kazmierski
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