New Camera!
Thanks to Uncle Sam, I was fortunate enough to be able to upgrade from the old Canon 30D to a new Canon 5d mark II.

Some of the great things about this camera:
And here is a section of the image viewed at full resolution:

The detail in the images this camera produces is incredible!
- full frame sensor (means it will get the full effect of my wide angle lenses)
- 21+ megapixels, almost 3x my old camera. Allows for much greater cropping flexibility and editing flexibility, not to mention huge prints!
- Much better higher-ISO shooting (translation-better low light. With my lenses in this camera, it can darn near see in the dark!)
- Full 1080p HD-video! Need I say more? With the addition of a reasonably priced microphone, this means big things for upcoming weddings!
- Lastly, it means that my old camera can now serve as a second camera, backup camera, and wife's camera!

And here is a section of the image viewed at full resolution:

The detail in the images this camera produces is incredible!
Labels: canon 5d mark II, full resolution, los angeles, photography, skyline
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